Breaking Through the Skin You’re In

Do you know yourself? Do you know the spirit who lives within you and has chosen this shell, this skin you are in, to house it in this lifetime? Do you know why you have chosen this particular shell? To everything, and I do mean everything, there is a reason.

Take the time to get to know the real you. There is an incredible bright spirit that lives within you. That spirit is you. If you don’t already meditate, learn to. Learn to look at your shell from the inside out to understand who you have chosen to be in this life in order to achieve the growth and learning that you have come here to achieve.

We, as a whole, look from the outside in. We are programmed that way. The key is in reprogramming yourself to come from inside out. We are programmed to think of ourselves and view ourselves as a product of our “outside” world, or a product of our environment. What goes in from outside, combined with the gifts and tools we brought with us, becomes who we are. If you come, though, from the inside to the outside, you will come to see a beautiful difference. Your outside circumstances such as a neglected childhood, or other traumatic experiences, that you may feel have shaped who you are in a negative sense, become instead, blessings, as you will start to see the underlying reasons for those situations or circumstances in your life.

You have chosen this shell because it fits in with the other tools, gifts, talents, obstacles, situations, and growth you chose to help you with achieving your mission or purpose, but it is truly not who you are. It is only part of the package you chose in order to have the best circumstances for success.

If you really want to get the most out of this life, get to know what is inside your shell. Really get to know your personality, positive and negative points. Overcome the negative by turning them into positives, and use the gifts, and the tools you’ve brought to make a positive difference in this world. We all can. It is no one’s choice but yours whether the difference you make is positive or negative.

Each and every person has brought a unique set of tools to work with. Your gifts or tools, are simply what you’re drawn to, and what things you do best. Other tools are things such as personality traits, life circumstances, special skills, or special areas of interest, and believe it or not, even obstacles.

I am not at all saying that everything in life is predestined. I am only saying that certain life situations are part of our greater plan to learn and grow from. What we do with it from there, is up to each one of us as individuals. We have free will to make choices and decisions that, most certainly, can and do, affect the outcome of our lives.

Psychic & Medium Readings

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