Endings Are Only Beginnings

The only thing constant in life is change. ~ François de la Rochefoucauld

Upon those who step into the same rivers flow other and yet other waters.
All things . . . are in flux like a river. ~ Heraclitus –

There are times when one door must close before another can open. There are also times we hang on to things way too long because we are afraid of all that waits for us behind the new door. We may fear exchanging the known for the unknown, especially if we have been sitting in a comfort zone way too long.

Everything around us and within us is constantly changing, yet we have the “illusion” of fearing change. I say it is an illusion, because it is. How can we truly fear something that always is?

I think most will agree, although endings sometimes bring with them a sad feeling, beginnings tend to give us feelings of excitement and anticipation, especially if we focus on all we are to gain from the new things that are coming to us!

Don’t stare at the door that is closing so long that you don’t even notice the door standing wide open before you! Embrace the new opportunities that await you! Trust in the higher source that is guiding you to the experiences you need for your own growth, and willingly choose to make the very best of all situations that are brought to you. Everything is for a reason. We may not see those reasons in the beginning, but we will always come to realize what they are if we reflect upon them later.

Always remember you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. Trust that knowing, take a few deep breaths, and embrace the change!

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