The Ouija Board – A Tool?

I’m sure many of us out there who are interested in, or shown the paranormal side of life have at one time or another played with a Ouija Board. I actually asked for one for one of my young birthdays as a child. My sister and I, along with some of our friends played with it for quite some time before its demise at the hands of my mother by way of the burn pit. (which we were very much in favor of) That was after it had already been thrown out and had reappeared on three different occasions.

We had many experiences with the Ouija Board, none of which were of ANY positive favor, although being that we are both natural mediums, I believe our fear was the biggest problem!

What I learned was, it was not all like seeing, hearing, etc. all that I did as a child. It was certainly not like the feelings of love that came through with those visiting from the other side, or even the feelings of despair, and fear that I may have felt from those who are stuck here. I still don’t know all the reasons that this seemed to be true in my experiences with the board, but I do know you can communicate with spirits around you without opening some unknown portal to lost souls who will literally haunt you for many coming days!

When I asked for it, I was thinking that maybe it could help me control all that I was afraid of, but in retrospect, I think instead, it helped me realize I could find better ways to learn than having a lot of them all coming at me at once!

I do believe curiosity is sometimes key for some in releasing their fears associated with their own natural abilities, but I also know now it is important to know how to ground yourself and protect yourself especially before doing any work with the lower realms. Growing up psychic meant sometimes learning things the hard way!

The Ouija Board is just one of many divination tools. Tools work with the intent of the user, thus no tools are actually bad unless the intent is bad, however, if you have a lot of negative emotion, such as fear when you are receiving through your natural abilities, you will attract more of what you fear.

However, with the Ouija Board, you are inviting spirits of any type to enter your environment, as those who are just playing with it, or not specifying what kind of communication they are actually asking for and from whom, so I do not reccommend playing with one!

I highly recommend if you are going to work with any tools in exploration of or to open yourself to any natural abilities you may have through tools, or without tools, that you learn first how to ground and protect yourself, as well as release your fears!



Psychic and Medium Development


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