Developing Your Natural Psychic Abilities

Do You Have Many Psychic Experiences?

Though you may be one of the many who tries to ignore your natural psychic abilities seeping through on occasion, do know, there is a reason you have them. One who has these gifts is meant to use them, and life has a way of bringing you back to them over and over again giving you that chance to learn more about yourself and your natural psychic abilities.

Still there are many who you may be among, who hold gifts so naturally strong, there is no way to ignore them, leaving no choice except to learn to peacefully coexist with them.

Whether your natural psychic abilities are stronger, or you consider them weaker (often this is just you trying to mark things off as coincidence, or deny them altogether), I will say again, there is a reason you have them. Not discovering what that reason is, is like being given the most awesome present, and putting it in a closet for years forgetting about it, and denying it was ever given to you!

The very first step in developing your natural psychic abilities is to let go of any fears you have associated with them. There are many different fears associated with natural psychic ability varying from actual fear of physical things happening, to feelings of being unworthy, and there are even many who are secretly afraid they are really crazy instead! (I was once one of those!)

One of my absolute favorite parts of what I do is helping others to release those fears, no matter what they are! Fear is self created (even if you have let your environment and others influence it), and it is truly just an obstacle you have created for yourself for your own spiritual growth. See it for what it is, and let go of it through learning to coexist and grow with your abilities! It is much more peaceful and joyous on the other side of that fear, I assure you!

I believe we are living in special times. I also believe there are more and more souls being born into this world with very strong natural psychic abilities. As with all things, I believe there is a reason this is happening.

If you are one who is struggling with your natural psychic ability, with the fears associated with it, or even if you see it as a curse rather than a gift, remember this one thing: You have been born with an urgent calling to help others with your gifts. It will continue to call until you answer. It is also important that you know you are never walking this journey alone. There is a great deal of help available to you.

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