Quotes by Beth


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Knowing yourself is half the battle. Once you know yourself, life is much easier to navigate. Be who you came here to be.

A gift is never a curse.

Feeling gratitude propels the winds of abundance.

Listen to what speaks to your heart. It speaks for a reason.

Live from the heart. That’s where your joy lies.

At the core of your being there is only love.

Show love to everyone around you as well as yourself.

Being grateful brings more to be grateful for.

Come always from a place of love.

Accept others as they are and let go of a lot of unhappiness.

Follow your joy and raise your vibration.

Leave the past in the past. Be here now.

Your reality lies in your perception.

There is no one in your past who is responsible for who you choose to be here and now.

All situations are for growth.

If we were all the same, there would be no growth.

Honor a divine creation of God by being yourself.

Let yourself be all you can be.

There is always something to be grateful for.

The love in your life – the love you cultivate and share is what matters most.

All the answers are within you.

Light joining light produces brighter light.

Your life “blueprint” can be found in the real science of astrology through your birth chart.

Life is meant to be full of joy.

There are miracles happening all around you.

God doesn’t punish us. We do that to ourselves.

Love is the lesson.

Each path is unique, and therefore cannot be judged by another.

Only an open heart can radiate love.

Only an open mind can see clearly.

Your reality lies in your perception.

Your mind is powerful. It can cause disease, or it can heal.

What you believe should constantly expand rather than limit you.

We are made of energy. That energy always is.

Meditation brings clarity.

All ancient writing was preserved to be found, not to be judged for acceptance or rejection, but to empower us with needed knowledge at critical times.

Remember who you are.

You are visited by angels unaware.

Loved ones on the other side often let us know their presence through birds.

There is love all around you. Open your heart and feel it.

I am – The two most powerful words you speak. Be aware of what follows.

There is not one person who does not have the power to make a difference.

I am here to motivate you to be who you came here to be.

Embrace the person you are, and embrace life.

Your passions exist for reasons. Follow them.

Listen with your heart.

See with your heart.

We draw from the experiences of our previous incarnations. It is evident in the things you just seem to naturally know.

There are more light workers here on earth right now more than ever before.

Follow your joy and raise your vibration.

When you raise your vibration, those around you rise too.

Never underestimate your power to create the life of your dreams.

Pay attention to what you are manifesting. Use it as a blueprint to rewire your thinking.

I am, You are, We are – Love

Your reactions hold a message for you.

Love is the answer to every question.

See the Divine in all.

Patience and procrastination are not one in the same.

Patience is an acquired state of being. Having patience does not mean not taking action.

Be part of the solution. Placing blame is non productive.

Expect only from yourself.

Truth rises.

Negative words feel heavy and pull you downward. Positive words lift.

Playing music is a divine form of meditation.

You are the only person responsible for you.

Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Weaknesses can be strengthened through partnerships.

Musical tones are healing.

Emotions are gifts to guide us.

Love is what we are. Resisting it brings chaos. Allowing it brings joy.

Obstacles are created within. The solutions are also within.

The heart knows what the mind cannot conceive.

The best things in life you hold in your heart, not in your hands.

Ignorance is criticizing something you do not know, or have not experienced. Freedom lies in observing rather than reacting.

Emotions are the ultimate guiding and navigation tools. Listen deeply to their message.

You brought all the tools you need in life with you. Use them!

Follow what calls your heart.

You are here for a reason. Your interests are guides.

Open your heart, and still your mind. Abundance awaits.

Tear down the doors that hold your heart captive.

Obstacles are opportunities. You created the obstacles. Now, create the opportunities.

Confidence comes in knowing. Remember who you are.

Love is the core of your being.

All situations are for growth. It’s up to you in which direction you grow.

The key lies within your heart.

Commit to your heart, and your dreams will find reality.

Loving with all your heart means letting go of judgment.

Music can put your mind in a state where healing takes place.

I am – the greatest words; Be careful what follows them in your thoughts. Empower yourself.

There is amazing love within you.

Let go of all your programming and find the spirit beneath.

Ask yourself at the start of every day and the end of every day, “What am I grateful for today?” Find your gratitude.

Follow your guidance. That’s why it’s there – to guide you. Not doing so puts you in opposition with yourself.

The root of doubt is fear. Walk through it.

There is always love. It never goes away. It is you who opens or closes your heart to it.

The circumstances that bring happiness are waiting within you.

Going the wrong way produces frustration. Follow the path laid out within.

If you love what you do, you will excel naturally.

To see clearly is to see through the eyes of love.

Letting go lets the love flow.

Never compare yourself to another. You are unique.

Judgment of others serves no purpose other than separation.

Let go of your judgments of others.

Listen to the intuition within you.

Being aware opens all the doors of possibility.

A closed heart can neither give nor receive.

Love every aspect of who you are. To every bit, there is a reason.

Your path is unique for only you.

There is a bottomless well of love within you.

Doing what you love helps raise the vibration levels of our world.

Go within and tune in.

Within you lies the answers as to why you are here.

In meditation there is a vast sea of clarity.

Let go and follow your heart.

Our “blueprint” can be found in our natal charts.

A closed heart and mind leads only to ignorance.

To be constantly seeking is to be constantly learning and evolving.

A metaphysical mind is one that did not conform to society’s expectations.

What you do should make you feel joyous. If it doesn’t, don’t do it.

If you are always worried about money, you will never have any.

It doesn’t matter how far you fall. It is how high you bounce that matters.

Love with every bit of the love within you.

What would you regret never having done if today was your last day? Do it.

There is one thing I know with all that I am. Love is what is most important in life.
What you do should make you feel joyous. If it doesn’t, don’t do it.

If you are not using your talents and gifts, you are not living your truest life. They exist for a reason.

Letting go of your expectations of others also releases a lot of unhappiness.

Heal yourself from the virus of negativity. Fill yourself with the healing light of love.

Reprogram yourself to the tune of love.

Your mind is powerful. It can cause disease, or it can heal.

Break the chains that keep you locked up. You are the only person who can be you.

As each person comes to better terms with who they chose to come here to be, we all rise.

It is always your choice to see through the eyes of love. Will you choose it?

A weakness is only relative to what is compared to. The comparing brings its existence. Focus on your strengths.

Judgment is separation. Love is unity.

The pathway to understanding lies in the silent, non judging compassion of observation.

There are no doors on the truly open heart.

Walk through the fear. All the love is just beyond it.

Abundance is a natural effect of living from the heart.

Differences are made in the most simple ways.

There is love all around you. It only requires opening your heart.

Taking consistent action is the only way you will get there. Dreaming alone is only dreaming.

Magic is created by feeling gratitude.

We grow through love. If you don’t allow yourself to love, you hold yourself back from growing.

There is no real risk in loving. Fears create the illusion of risk.

If you aren’t sure which way to go, start from your heart, and be lead instead.

The beauty of the world around you lies within your own heart.

The more you try to make a situation work that your heart is not in line with, the more trouble will come.

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