Psychic Abilities – A Curse or a Gift?

Undevelopment Psychic Abilities Are Still Gifts When psychic abilities abilities are raw, or rather in their natural undeveloped state, they may often seem as if they are a curse rather than a gift. Our abilities, whether they are empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, precognitive, claircognizance, clairsentient, mediumship, or any other metaphysical abilities naturally follow the law of Read More

Different Meanings of Psychic Terms

Deciphering the Meanings of Psychic Terms There are so many different psychic terms being used to describe different types of psychic abilities these days, it is easy for one trying to identify their own natural psychic abilities, as well as those searching for a psychic’s help, to become very confused! Here are some meanings of Read More

Variations of Mediumship

There are many variations of the gift of mediumship. A person who is a medium may have one side of the gift or both sides of the gift, meaning they may either be able to communicate with ghosts, or spirits here visiting from the other side, and higher vibrational entities, or both. All psychics are Read More

Psychic Development Sessions

One of my absolute favorite things to do is help others with their own natural psychic abilities. Often, there are a lot of fears associated with psychic gifts. It is my deep honor to help others in releasing those fears associated with their gifts, as well as helping them learn to cope with their abilities, Read More

How I Receive Information

I receive information in many different ways. I am clairvoaynt, which means I “see” frames of information, or fast moving pictures, or sometimes “still” pictures in my mind’s eye. At times, It is almost like watching a movie being fast forwarded in front of my eyes, as I catch bits and pieces of it “passing Read More