Life Path 11 is a the First Master Path Number
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Life Path 11 is the first of the master numbers 11, 22, 33, and 44. These numbers are not added together to form other numbers as the others are. Those with master numbers in any of the numbers within the numerology chart have much to offer the world through experience gained in previous lifetimes until now. The path of one with a master number may be a bit more demanding.
Those on Life Path 11 possess an excessive amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early in life, making you shy and withdrawn. You have far more potential than you know or allow yourself to own.
.People with life path 11 can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. You are also patient and cooperative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions. You enjoy music and poetry and require a harmonious environment.
As an 11 Life Path, you are a highly charged version of the 2 and possess many of the characteristics and talents of that number.
Your desire to achieve some great ambition is enormous. However, a lack of confidence in your ability to realize this dream may cause you much frustration. You sense your enormous potential, which requires equally enormous confidence in your ability to materialize your dream. Confidence is the key that unlocks your potential.

The Special Mission of Life Path 11
Your special mission, on top of the mission outlined by the number 2, is to recognize and use your creativity, intuition, and healing abilities to benefit humanity as a whole. People with life path 11 are very intuitive, and they are healers. They hold a special light that draws others to them.
The special mission of life path 11 can be achieved in many ways such as through dance, music, film, or art, or working with various healing modalities. You can also write, entertain, or teach others through your special creative abilities.
You are a double 1 which is all about leadership and confidence, and also a 2 (1 plus 1) which is all about harmony and love.
Famous People With Life Path 11
Some very special people have graced our world with their presence who hold this special life path. Many have left the world a much better place through their contributions to art, business, and society, and those still living are continuing to do so.
A few famous people who left their special mark in history are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who left the world with his beautiful musical compositions that classical pianists still learn and study to this day. His world-renowned influence is incomparable.
Another famous life path 11 who has left his mark on the world is Napolean Hill whose ideas outlined in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich continues to teach and inspire people to this day on how to manifest your desires into the material world.
And yet another is Coco Chanel whose fragrance is still being worn worldwide to this day. Among others are Jack Benny, Etta James, Leonard Cohen, and Shirley Temple Black. All of which left their marks on our society through their wonderful creative contributions that are still enjoyed to this day.
A few famous life path 11’s who are still making their special mark on the world today are Jennifer Anniston, Barack and Michelle Obama, Kate Moss, Gwen Stefani, Meg Ryan, Michael Jordan, Paris Hilton, Kendall Jenner, Doreen Virtue, Michael Franti,.and both King Charles and Prince William.
My personal friend and writing coach, Melody Jones is one of my favorite life path 11’s who is helping others realize their dream of being published writers.
Learn about the rest of your special numbers with a full numerology report. that is filled with a great deal of information about all of your special numbers, what they mean about you and your life mission, and how they all work together to help you achieve all of your life goals. Contained within are your strengths, weaknesses, best career avenues, and how you will make YOUR mark on the world!