How We Preceive is How We Experience Our experiences and those things that happen in our environment may seem like the culprit for the way we may be feeling, however, it is actually quite the opposite as how we are feeling ultimately stems from within and not without. It is how we think about things Read More
Energy Thieves
Energy Thieves – Who Are They? We have all met them – some call them energy suckers, others may call them psychic vampires, or energy vampires among various other names. Unfortunately, no matter what they are called, the effect they have on us is the same. Energy thieves are people who literally drain you of Read More
Amaze Yourself – Learn How to Use Your Psychic Abilities
Explore Your Natural Psychic Abilities I often have psychic development students say the words, “I am amazed” when they start seeing the evidence of what they can actually do with their natural psychic and medium abilities in a very short amount of time, and I am constantly amazed by each and every one as we Read More
Ghosts – What Do They Want From Us?
Do Ghosts Want Something From Us? Seeing ghosts doesn’t necessarily make one know what they want or why they are hanging around. A lot of people who naturally see them may have a lot more fear than curiosity and may not have realized they can communicate with them as well. One who often sees ghosts Read More
The Many Paths of Psychics
The Paths of Psychic Work Are Many There are many different paths of psychics, just as there are many paths of service with any gift, and many different areas of service that a person with natural psychic abilities may be drawn to. What each individual’s purpose is with their psychic gifts will vary according to Read More
Navigating Natural Psychic Abilities
How Do You Feel About Your Natural Psychic Abilities? Natural psychic, medium, and empathic abilities may feel a lot more like a curse in their raw states than the gifts they really are. Even for those that the above statement is not true, many still have issues coping with, or fully understanding and learning to Read More
Endings Are Only Beginnings
The only thing constant in life is change. ~ François de la Rochefoucauld Upon those who step into the same rivers flow other and yet other waters. All things . . . are in flux like a river. ~ Heraclitus – There are times when one door must close before another can open. There are Read More
Psychic Abilities – A Curse or a Gift?
Undevelopment Psychic Abilities Are Still Gifts When psychic abilities abilities are raw, or rather in their natural undeveloped state, they may often seem as if they are a curse rather than a gift. Our abilities, whether they are empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, precognitive, claircognizance, clairsentient, mediumship, or any other metaphysical abilities naturally follow the law of Read More