How to Tell the Difference Between a Ghost and a Spirit

Is There a Difference Between a Ghost and a Spirit? Because a spirit has already crossed into the light, there is a difference in the experiences you will have when a spirit is visiting you from the other side and when a ghost is visiting you. The difference between a ghost and a spirit is Read More

The 1 Extreme Difference Between a Ghost and a Spirit

The Difference Between a Ghost and a Spirit If you have paranormal or supernatural activity going on around you, it could become very important to actually know the difference between a ghost and a spirit to know whether or not you should do anything about the presence of an entity. Though technically a ghost is Read More

2 Types of Mediums and The Incredible Ways They Help

The Types of Mediums   There are basically two types of mediums, though there are variations of abilities with each type. There is what is known as a psychic medium (sometimes called a spirit medium), and what is known as a physical medium (sometimes called a trance medium, or a channel medium). A person can Read More

Spirit Visits in Dreams

Do Spirits From the Other Side Visit Us in Our Dreams? Often spirits who have crossed to the other side connect with us through visits in our dreams. It is when we are in our dream state that they are most naturally able to connect with those who are natural mediums. This is why mediumship, Read More

Family Spirits in Photographs

This is a picture of my daughter at her cousin’s birthday party that I took. I felt the fleeting energy of a spirit and saw it show up on the screen as I felt it. It all happened so quickly, and as my focus was completely somewhere else, I literally caught no information psychically at Read More

How Can I Tell if Any Are Still With Me?

Submitted by a reader: Q. I have had many family members pass over. How can I tell if any are still with me. I try looking but I am not seeing. Sincerely, Beverly A. Thank you so much for your question Beverly! Spirits visiting from the other side will use whatever they can to try to Read More

Beloved Pets in Spirit Readings

Our Pets Still Visit Us Quite often I have had pets come through from the other side for others while doing spirit readings. In many instances, it has been the presence of the person I was reading for’s pet coming through in the reading that brought the most profound effect in either them, or even Read More

Signs of Mediumship

The Signs of Mediumship are Sometimes Subtle Though the signs that one is a medium are usually fairly strong, many who are mediums may still find themselves shrugging experiences off as coincidences. There are also many who might think since no one else seems to be experiencing the same thing, they must be going crazy, Read More

Psychic Medium Children – Imaginary Friends?

This is a subject near and dear to my heart, as I was once a psychic medium child. Being a psychic child, can at times, bring frightening experiences. If you suspect, or find that you are raising a psychic child, you have great deal of influence as to whether having psychic abilities is a positive Read More