Are you aware that right now, at this moment in time, you are creating your life and all you experience and see around you? Literally what you are thinking and feeling right now, and giving your focus to right now, is planting the seeds of your future for you.
Sure, we all know the choices and decisions we make affect the outcome of our lives through the consequences of our actions. What I am talking about, though, is very different than the seriousness of all those choices, decisions, and consequences.
I’m not talking about bad karma, good karma, or rewards for your just and proper life. I’m talking about real living. Living from your heart and the core of who you chose to be here, and what you’ve sent along with yourself here to create this life with.
Find a way to be grateful for each and every negative experience you have been through in your life. Through those experiences that you planned for yourself, you have grown to where you are. Each and every one of us can look back on every single negative thing we have been through, and find grace in it by acknowledging all we learned from those experiences. Thank our creator for allowing you to learn and grow from those experiences and release the hold they have on you. Say goodbye and be refreshed, no longer allowing them to “be who you are”. You are not your experiences. They were there for growth not to become one with.
Do not let others define who you are. Better yet, do not let yourself be defined at all! What do I mean by that? I run across many, many unhappy people who have lived a certain life because it was expected of them. I’ll give you an example. A rare and talented artist, for instance, who didn’t believe in his talent, miserably unhappy and not painting at all, striving in business, and surrounded by negativity crossed my path one day.
I am here for rescue, so when someone crosses my path like this, I know I am to pull them out. Through reading him, I discovered his talents lying dormant, and what his fears had created in his life through not living real. I helped him to see why he was given these gifts, helped him gain confidence, and point him in the right direction for living the life that will give him the pleasure that his spirit seeks here. He is now sharing that art with the world, and everything around him, and the support he so desperately has needed is falling in to place. He is now beginning to experience real living.
We are given gifts for a reason. That reason is to share, to bring others light, and hope, and to love using the gifts we brought with us to create a better world for ourselves and all those around us. No matter what your gifts, when you live from the heart, others will be touched.