The 7 Universal Laws
Our universe is governed by 7 universal laws (also called spiritual laws). Some of these spiritual laws are immutable, and others are mutable. The first three are immutable. They are Absolute and Eternal. They can never be changed. They have always been. The last four are mutable and are the laws we can actually use to manifest our realities. These laws govern your existence and all that is.
The combination of these seven laws and living within them is what actually is known as the law of attraction, which is not one of the seven universal laws, but the combination of using all in harmony with each other.
This knowledge is not new. Esoteric teachings dating back over 5,000 years from many different areas of the world all reveal these 7 laws in their teachings. Once you fully understand and are aligned with these seven laws of the universe, you will experience transformation beyond anything you could have imagined in all areas of your life!
These laws create everything around you and fully applying them makes you the master creator of your own life!
Immutable Spiritual Laws of the Universe

Law Number 1 – The Law of Mentalism
“All is Mind.” The Universe is Mental.” – The Kybalion.
This first law out of the 7 universal laws explains that THE ALL (which is all that we experience with our material senses or matter) is spirit which is thought of as a universal mind.
You do not have a mind. You ARE mind. Consciousness (mind) is the actual substance of the Universe.
This is true on all planes—the Physical, the Mental, and the Spiritual Planes, and can never and will never change.
In other words, All is Mind’ does not mean that everything belongs to the Mental Plane. The Mental Plane is that plane of Mind that we consider to be mental activities such as thinking, imagination, and mental state. All energy and matter, both visible and invisible and at all degrees of existence, is created by and is subject to The Absolute. Your mind is one and the same as the Universal Mind. Therefore, your reality is a manifestation of your mind or a projection of your consciousness.
Law Number 2 – The Law of Correspondence
As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without, as without, so within.
The Principle of Correspondence means there is always a correspondence between the laws of the various “planes” of being and life. There is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between these planes, The Great Physical Plane, The Great Mental Plane, and The Great Spiritual Plane.
You can better understand your physical world by looking within, and better understand what is going on within by looking at what is manifested in your physical world. There is no separation since everything, even YOU is MIND.
Law Number 3 – The Law of Vibration
EVERYTHING is energy. There are only different vibrations.
The Principle of Vibration states that motion is manifest in everything in the Universe. Nothing rests, and everything moves, vibrates, and circles. This principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, are the result of only different “vibrations”. The higher a person is on the scale, the higher the rate of vibration will be. The All is at an infinite level of vibration, almost to the point of being at rest. There are millions of varying degrees between the highest level, The All, and the objects of the lowest vibration.
To change your mental state is to change vibration. You do this deliberately “fixing the attention” upon a more desirable state.
Your thoughts and emotions create your vibration. Since you can consciously choose your thoughts, you can intentionally increase the rate of vibration of your mental frequency by thinking more positive thoughts of a higher frequency, thus raising your vibration.
Mutable Spiritual Laws of the Universe

Law Number 4 – The Law of Polarity
The Principle of Polarity is the 4th law of the 7 universal laws. It is the first of the Mutable or transcendable Universal Laws and means there are two sides to everything.
It states that everything is dual. Everything has two poles, and everything has its opposite. All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. Everything “is” and “isn’t” at the same time. All truths are but half truths and every truth is half false, there are two sides to everything, opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree, extremes meet, and all paradoxes may be reconciled.
Everything is identical in nature, but different in degree. This principle operates only in the Physical and Mental Planes, not in the Spiritual Plane where All is One.
Things in our lives may appear to be opposite, but in reality, they are the same such as happy and sad. Both are emotions. They are just different ends of the same or different degrees. Thus we can change the degree of emotions from love to hate or hate to love, for example, by changing our emotions.
Law Number 5 – The Law of Rhythm
The Principle of Rhythm is the 5th law of the 7 universal laws and it is the idea that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a to and fro, a flow and inflow, a swing backward and forward, a pendulum-like movement. This principle explains that there is rhythm between every pair of opposites, or poles, and is closely related to the Principle of Polarity. It can be seen that this Principle enables the transition from one pole to the other, and not necessarily poles of extreme opposites.
All things rise and fall, or flow in and out.
Law Number 6 – The Law of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Cause and Effect is the 6th law of the 7 universal laws and it explains that there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause. It also states that there is no such thing as chance, that chance is merely a term indicating causes not recognized or perceived.
Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause that has its origin in your inner or mental world. Your thoughts about yourself, others, and life, and your overall mental state create causes that materialize over time as effects in your outer world.
The Law of Cause and Effect applies to all three planes of existence, the Spiritual, the Mental, and the Physical. On the Spiritual Plane cause and effect are instant. On the other Planes, our experience of time and space creates a time lag between the cause and the eventual effect.
With continued practice, you can create the outcomes you are seeking in the Physical Plane by first creating them in the Spiritual Plane.
Law Number 7 Of The Seven Universal Laws – The Law of Gender
This last law out of the 7 universal laws embodies the idea that gender is manifested in everything. Gender is manifested as the Masculine and Feminine principles, and manifests itself on all planes.
Mental Gender is described as a Hermetic concept that relates to masculine and feminine principles. It does not refer to the physical gender of someone, nor does it suggest that someone of a certain physical gender necessarily has the same mental gender. Ideally, one wants to have a balanced mental gender.
The concept put forth in The Kybalion states that gender exists on all planes of existence (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual), and represents different aspects on different planes. It is also stated that everything and everyone contains these two elements or principles.
The Masculine principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing and contents itself with the “Will” in its varied phases.
The Feminine principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions and has a much more varied field of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts, concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.
There must be a balance between these two forces. Without the Feminine, the Masculine acts without restraint, order, or reason, which only brings chaos. The Feminine by itself will fail to actually do anything. With both the Masculine and Feminine working in conjunction, there is thoughtful action that breeds success, which makes the Feminine and the Masculine fulfill each other.