The Magic of a Twin Flame Relationship
In This Article
The twin flame relationship is the most challenging of all soul connections you will encounter in any lifetime. It is a very special soul connection between two souls that brings massive spiritual growth to one another. This connection is a connection like no other, and any relationship you create together is also like no other.
Twin Flames do not cross paths in every lifetime. They must both be at the same level of spiritual growth to come together in life. When they finally do, they may work together through many lifetimes to master the growth they seek from one another.
Whereas there is a feeling of already knowing another person from the moment you meet when you are soul connections, the twin flame connection is felt much deeper, and is very intense from the very first moment you cross paths. Twin Flames often feel as if there is something important they are to do together from the beginning, though neither may have a clue what it is they are meant to do at that point.
Your Twin Flame Relationship is a Mirror

We all like to romanticize things, and many have a view of this type of relationship to be a beautiful bed of roses, however, those who have been through experiences with a twin flame more often describe just the opposite. Many challenges exist within this unique relationship.
Twin flames mirror within each other what needs to be removed or healed to reach the next stage of their spiritual awakenings, so they often may not like the people they bring out in each other during many stages of the relationship.
Your connection to one another causes each of you individually to see deeply within yourself that which needs improving in order to elevate you to new spiritual heights.
That which you do not like within yourself will be mirrored in the behavior of your other half over and over until you are able to see the correlation within yourself.
The relationship forces you to look deeply inside yourself and heal all that is holding you back from the spiritual work you are here to do. It makes you face your darkest fears and rise above them.
Even during times of separation, you are both still feeling and thinking of each other, and you are both still growing spiritually. In fact, the greatest growth is obtained individually during periods of separation bringing great advancements for the time when you will rejoin each other.
It is during the challenging times within our relationships in life where we grow the most. The unique union of twin flames will bring much growth in many different ways and forms.
The Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship
There are stages associated with the twin flame relationship. Not many make it through all the stages during their first-lifetime meeting, though they will continue to work on this growth together for as many lifetimes as it takes!
I recently read an excellent blog post, The Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship, written by Steven Bancarz for The Spirit Science, which accurately describes the stages associated with the twin flame relationship. If you find yourself in a twin flame relationship, it helps immensely if you can understand the growth you seek together.
During the beginning stages of the relationship, there is much ego to be dealt with as well as a great deal of fear. Ultimately, the journey of the twin flame relationship brings both to a place of embodying and modeling unconditional love. The powerful union between them brings higher vibrational energy to everyone they come in contact with once they have gotten through all the stages of separation and spiritual growth needed to reach this level of awakening together.
The relationship may at first seem toxic as deep healing needs to take place to rid each of their belief systems about what romance should be like. Limiting belief systems must be gotten through to receive the spiritual growth that comes with this divine relationship.