11 Telltale Signs of Being a Medium Exposed

Signs of Being a Medium

11 Common Signs of Being a Medium

Do you have paranormal experiences often or have other supernatural experiences that have you wondering if you are a natural medium? The signs of being a medium can be very subtle and may even often go unnoticed or brushed off as coincidences.

There are two types of mediums known as the channel medium and the psychic medium. Psychic mediums have medium ability that works together with psychic abilities to receive information from the great beyond.

The following are signs of being a medium with psychic abilities otherwise known as a psychic medium.

You often feel like you are not alone when you know no one else is in the room or even in the same building with you. In other words, you can sense the presence of others you cannot see. Places may feel positive or negative to you as well.

You wake to hear your name being called and find no one is in your environment. You may even hear your name being called when you are wide awake but no one is around you.

You see ghosts or see shadows when no one else is around you. You may even see movement out of the corners of your eyes when you are alone.

This is not only a very strong sign of being a medium but also a sign of being on a rescue theme.

You have vivid dreams of people you know who have passed away such as a beloved grandmother or a treasured aunt.

You may also have vivid dreams involving people you don’t know from another era of time. They may be dressed in outdated clothing, for instance, to indicate they are from another time.

What sets these dreams apart more than anything else is they are very real and may seem more like you have just been visited by the person or people in your dreams rather than you have been dreaming about them. You may suddenly wake up expecting to actually see them.

This is one of the really huge signs of being a medium combined with being clairvoyant.

Psychic mediums have medium ability that works together with psychic abilities in order to receive information from the great beyond.

You often hear a high-pitched ringing sound in your ears while you are in a meditative state of mind. The ringing sound can also turn into audible voices as you are listening.

This is an example of clairaudient ability working with medium ability.

You often hear a low-pitched humming sound while you are in a meditative state of mind.

This too may turn into hearing audible voices and is also an example of clairaudient ability working with medium ability. the difference is the frequency you are receiving from.

You sometimes wake to what sounds like a crowded room of people all talking at once.

Another example of clairaudient ability working with medium ability. This one is one of the very common signs of being a medium.

You often wake between 3 am and 4 am.

The veil between here and the other side is thinnest during this time or this state of sleep for most people.thus you may wake up from different happenings with your abilities.

This most commonly points to waking up because you sense a presence in the room with you, and is most often actually a sign of being a medium empath.

When you close your eyes to go to sleep you see faces of people you do not know one after another.

This is a major sign of being a medium combined with clairvoyant ability.

You had imaginary friends as a child.

This is usually the very first sign of being a medium that shows itself in childhood. Imaginary friends are not imaginary! They are ghosts, guides, spirits on the other side, and even angels!

You have frequent paranormal activity happening around you.

Natural mediums attract ghosts and therefore have paranormal activity happening around them very often such as things moving, lights going on and off, sounds of someone walking, and other activity caused by something or someone unseen.

What to Do if You Have Signs of Being a Medium

There is a reason you have these natural abilities and that reason is to use them in service of others! Make a plan to study and fully develop them! The world needs your abilities!

Beginning Medium Development

A written course for beginning mediums

Spirit 222

A psychic medium development group for all levels from beginners to the advanced including those who are confident and ready to take their abilities out to the world! There are specialized groups within the group, events, and coursework not available elsewhere! Learn with others from all over the world at your own pace.

Psychic Medium Development Consultation

Not sure if your experiences actually point to natural abilities? Put my expertise, and many years of teaching natural psychics and mediums to work! Let’s talk and consult the guides!

8 Week Psychic Medium Development Program

A one-on-one coaching program and practice program with other students to help you gain confidence in your abilities and get ready to serve with them! This mentoring program is for those who are serious about developing and using their natural psychic and medium abilities!

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