11 Unique Traits of an Emotional Empath

The Traits of an Emotional Empath That Many Have In Common

Do you have the traits of an emotional empath? Emotional empathy is the most common type of empathy and is a psychic ability. It is the type of empathy that is usually thought of or referred to when the term empath is mentioned. Many traits of an emotional empath are very common. I am focusing on those that all empaths experience rather than those that some experience and others do not.

For example, many metaphysical teachers list being an introvert as a common trait, however, I am an extreme empath, and very much an extrovert. I have taught many empaths how to cope with and ultimately use their empathic ability for the gift that it is who are also extroverts. Many saw lists of empathic traits and thought they must not be one because they are not introverts.

The Emotional Empath Absorbs Emotion

Number one on the list of traits of an emotional empath is the very essence of what makes one an emotional empath and that is they absorb the emotion of others. They feel other people’s emotions as strongly as they do their own.

For this reason, it is difficult for the emotional empath to separate what emotions belong to them personally and which do not. With a little observation in the moment, they can start learning whose emotions is whose!

The Emotional Empath Also Projects Emotion

While most empaths are aware early in their journey with this psychic ability that they feel and absorb other people’s emotions, they may not realize right away that they also project their own emotions upon others. They tend to carry the energy around them. This means if they are in a wonderful mood so is everyone around them, and the same is true if they are in a horrible mood.

Boundary Issues

This is probably one of the toughest traits of an emotional empath. It is a lifelong challenge for empaths to keep proper energetic boundaries in place. Because they can feel others’ sadness, anger, and other emotions, and have a strong desire to keep peace with others, they often go along with and do a lot of things they may not want to do to keep peace.

They later suffer for not being able to just say no, or feeling guilty for saying no. They are selfless individuals who give all they have to others and often do not take the time to nurture and replenish themselves. They need to remember they cannot adequately help others without taking care of themselves.

The Need to Rejuvenate Through Alone Time

Regardless of whether the emotional empath is an introvert, or an extrovert (yes extroverted empaths exist!), they often feel very emotionally overwhelmed and may need quiet time alone, or meditation time to rebalance their emotional energy.

They may retreat within themselves, turn their phones off, and hide out until they are in a better energetic position.

Healing Ability

Emotional empaths have healing abilities. When the emotional empath is fully awake to this divine ability and has learned to wield their energy, they can heal others in many different ways. They can consciously project energy to heal others. People are often drawn to them because of this bright healing light within them. The energy of these healing abilities draws people and animals to them who may need emotional healing.

The challenge for an empath can be learning to release all the emotional energies of those attracted to them who need emotional healing, especially those who have been in traumatic situations.

Traits of an Emotional Empath

Feeling Emotionally Overwhelmed in Large Crowds

Emotional empaths generally do not like being in large crowds of people. They can become emotionally overwhelmed very easily in these environments because they are feeling so many emotions all at once.

Human Lie Detector

It is very difficult to lie to an emotional empath without them knowing you are lying to them. They are often referred to as human lie detectors. They feel the underlying discomfort that is felt when someone is being dishonest.

A Love Of Nature

Nature is an emotional empath’s best resource. Nature helps ground and center their sensitive emotions and helps them replenish their energy. Many empaths are very in tune with the rhythm and vibrations of nature and feel at one with all while spending time in nature.

Time spent among the trees and flowers of our world brings much peace to the empath as well as rivers, lakes, oceans, and beautiful blue skies. Even hearing the sounds of rain can be very beneficial in helping to keep their emotional energies in balance.

May Seem Overly Emotional to Others

This is one of the traits of an emotional empath that can also be hard to deal with. Others often see them as being overly sensitive and emotional. They may appear to sometimes be emotionally unstable to others when they are having trouble coping with all the emotions within and around them.

Can’t Watch Violence on TV

Many emotional empaths cannot watch any kind of violence on television including our news outlets on television because of all the negativity and violence that is shown with situations occurring across our worlds. Like the environments they allow themselves to be in, even virtual and televised exposure can be difficult where there is negativity, injustice, and other negative energies and emotions associated.

Creative Abilities

Last but far from least is one of the most special traits of an emotional empath, their creative abilities. They are the artists, musicians, designers, writers, poets, actors, singers, and dancers of our world.

Emotional empaths always have creative abilities. They have them as a means of releasing all of the emotion they take in from others as well as for infusing beautiful emotions in others through their creations.

An emotional empath who is very aware of their ability to affect others’ emotions through their creative talents can reach mass audiences and help raise the vibration of our world by joining the vibration of others who are doing the same.

Psychic Medium Development Consultation

Let’s consult the guides, talk about your experiences, and create a plan to further develop and gain confidence using your natural psychic abilities! Their are multiple program options. We will start wherever you are in your journey.

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