Finding the Reason(s) for Your Paranormal Activity
Experiencing paranormal activity can be both scary and frustrating, especially when you have no idea why it is even occurring or what to do about it! Knowing what to do about it requires knowing what is causing it in the first place!
Answers to just a few questions can help you decipher what kind of paranormal activity you are dealing with, and what you can actually do to better the situation for the people in your household, or office mates depending on where you are actually experiencing it.
It could be one particular reason, two reasons, or even three reasons that are the culprit(s) for what is taking place in your environment. Read on to find out what the reason(s) may be.
Reason Number 1 – Residual Energy Has Been Left Behind
Is the activity happening at the same time of day every day, or always on a specific day of the week, or month at the same time of day? Is it the exact same thing that is happening every single time?
If either of these is true, your paranormal activity is most likely being caused by residual energy that has been left behind, and not by an actual ghost.
Energy associated with traumatic emotions becomes trapped in the environment in which the traumatic event occurred to cause this paranormal activity and unusual supernatural phenomena.
It is what is known as a nonintelligent haunting meaning it isn’t done purposely by an actual entity.
Reason Number 2 – A Ghost is Causing the Paranormal Activity Who is Not Aware They Have Died
Sometimes when a person dies suddenly it may take them a while to actually realize they have left the land of the living. This may especially happen if there was really strong emotion or trauma associated with their death.
They may be stuck in a perpetual loop where they are reliving the situation over and over and thus be confused, or they may just simply just feel like they are in a timeless dream unaware of their death.
They may only be aware of their own environment in their “dream state” and be unaware of those around them who are still in the land of the living, thus they may make noises unintentionally.
This case is another cause of paranormal activity known as a non-intellegent haunting.
Reason Number 3 – There is a Ghost Intentionally Causing Paranormal Activity
A ghost who is aware they have died may be haunting you for more than one reason. The difference, in this case, is they are actually trying hard to get your attention.
A person who has died may become stuck on this plane as a ghost because of very strong negative emotions that need to be resolved in order for them to cross to the other side.
The strong emotions can be anger, guilt, sadness, resentment, or any number of others, but they will always be negative emotions. The reasons for the emotions can also vary greatly. Many simply call the reason unfinished business.
In this case, the ghost actually needs help and is desperately seeking it through trying to communicate with others who are living. They intentionally make noises in an effort to make their presence known hoping to communicate their need for help in resolving whatever has them stuck.
There are other cases of ghosts who are intentionally staying here on this plane who are not stuck and simply have no desire to cross to the other side. With these cases, there may be many reasons why this may be true.
In some, they may think they are not going to a good place because of the life they lived for example, or they may have some religious belief system they are attached to that keeps them from trying to cross over.
There are those also who know they are dead who truly enjoy haunting people. In these cases, you are dealing with a spirit who most likely was not such a good person in life.
In either type, this is what is known as intelligent haunting, as the paranormal activity is being intentionally caused.
If you find paranormal activity is following you everywhere you go, you are most likely a medium! If this is the case, you will continue to experience it everywhere you go!