3 Thought-Provoking Reasons a Person Becomes a Ghost

Person Becomes a Ghost

Why a Person Becomes a Ghost

As a medium, this is a question I have been asked often. In reality, for the most part, ghosts are people just like you and me who are lost and need help. Very often, though, I am asked, “Why does a person become a ghost?”.

The answer is fairly simple, though the reasoning may be complex. It is the emotion they are feeling that causes them to be “stuck” or not see the light, or sometimes see it, but choose not to go to it.

The Number 1 Reason a Person Becomes a Ghost – Negative Emotions

As a medium empath, (one who can sense people who are not living by “feel” them) the very first thing I feel when I cross a ghost’s path is something negative. I never feel anything positive when I encounter a ghost. It is part of how I know I am dealing with a ghost. It doesn’t feel good.

The feelings can range from fear, anxiety, guilt shame, depression, or any combination of negative emotions depending on the ghost’s situation. For instance, if the person was deeply ashamed of a situation going on in his/her lie near the time of passing, they may feel deep shame and “unworthy”.

Regardless of what negative emotion the ghost may be feeling or why, what has them stuck one hundred percent of the time, is a negative emotion.

Our vibration is caused by what we are feeling which is caused by our thoughts, so the ghost, in a sense, is stuck because of their current state of vibration. The ghost literally cannot see the light to go to it because of their state of mind and emotion.

Help them resolve the emotion, and they will see and go into the light.

Reason Number 2 – A Person Becomes a Ghost Because of a Traumatic Death

Sometimes when a person has died tragically, they become stuck in an energy loop where they are reliving the moment over and over, as if they are in shock.

In these cases, they are not even aware they have died. To get unstuck, they first have to realize that whatever they just went through actually took their life.

In most cases, once they become consciously aware they have died, they will then see the light and cross over to the other side on their own.

Reason Number 3 – A Person Becomes a Ghost Because They Choose To

There are also instances of ghosts who are not really “stuck” at all. In these instances, they are very much aware of the light but are choosing not to go to it.

A for instance situation is a father wanting to stay and watch his daughter grow up before leaving. He is afraid if he crosses he will miss it. Another, for instance, is the ghost is just simply not feeling ready to let go of this plane, or the ghost still feels very attached to his/her life.

Yet another reason is the person has not been very good in life and is fearful of the fate that is waiting as a result of all the bad things done during their life.

Often, there may be something they would like to see resolved before they leave or something in particular they need first. Maybe someone took their life, and they would like to see justice take place before they go.

In some cases, they may have been with someone when an accident occurred, and they are looking for them, or are unaware of what happened to the other(s) as they may have lost each other in the process of dying maybe because one lived longer, for instance.

There are a lot of different reasons they may have chosen to ignore the light and not cross to the other side, however, they do always have the choice to stay or to go ahead into the light.

These are 3 of the major reasons why a person becomes a ghost.

The largest percentage of the time when you cross paths with a ghost, you are dealing with a person who needs help resolving whatever situation has caused them to be here still.

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