15 Metaphysical Terms and Their Special Meanings

15 Metaphysical Terms

Common Metaphysical Terms to Describe Different Psychic Abilities

There are so many metaphysical terms out there to describe psychics and mediums and what they can do with their abilities to help you. It can be hard to choose one with the right abilities to help you with your situation if you don’t know the terms they are using to describe their natural abilities.

With the following definitions, I hope to help you clear up what all the different metaphysical terms used in different psychic descriptions mean.


A psychic can receive information about the past, present, or future about a person,  a situation, or a circumstance.


A medium can communicate with entities in different realms whether they are loved ones on the other side, ghosts, guides, angels, or any others who are not here in this realm with us.

There are two basic types of mediums, There are psychic mediums, who receive information through accompanying psychic abilities, and there are channel mediums who receive information through entities using them physically in some way, such as speaking through their physical mouth or writing through using their hand.


An empath is a psychic who receives information through feeling energy. There are several different types of empaths but all have to do with receiving information through energy either by feeling others’ feelings, or physical pain in some way.

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)

An HSP is an empath who has all the different types of empathic abilities.


A clairvoyant is a psychic who receives information through seeing it within the mind’s eye.


A Clairaudient is a psychic who receives information through hearing the information either within the mind or even through physically hearing it.


A claircognizant is a psychic who receives information through knowing. Claircognizants often describe receiving the information as if their minds downloaded it.


A clairsentient is a psychic who receives information through feelings. You may often hear a clairsentient describe how they receive as just having a gut feeling about something.


A clairgustant is a psychic who receives information through taste. They may taste someone’s southern cooking for instance.


A clairalient is a psychic who receives information through smell. They may smell someone’s grandma’s apple pie, for instance.


A ghost is someone who has passed away but remains in our realm instead of moving on to the other side.


A spirit is generally described as someone who has passed away and returned to the other side.

The Other Side

The other side is where our soul came from when we were born and where we should return when we die. It is the place most perceive as “heaven”. It is another realm at a slightly higher frequency than the realm in which we reside.


Psychometry is a psychic ability that allows the psychic to receive information through touching or holding an object. This ability works hand in hand with other psychic abilities as the psychic will see, hear, smell, taste, or receive the information through whatever other psychic abilities they have when they touch or hold an object.

Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is the ability to view a past, present, or future event as if the person receiving the information is there where the event is, happening, has happened, or will happen.

Those who are metaphysically gifted may have a couple of these abilities or any combination of several, and some may even have all of them.

While these 15 metaphysical terms are not all that exist and are being used these days, these are the most common.

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