Free Will or Predestination?

Free Will or Predestination

Is it Free Will or Predestination?

There are things that we take part in planning for ourselves before we arrive here on earth through our birth, such as who we have chosen to experience growth with through our soul families, soul connections, and certain life circumstances we have chosen for ourselves to learn and grow through, but the vast majority of outcomes in different situations are not set in stone. Our outcomes are a result of our choices, thus many things in our futures can be changed by the choices we make.

There are actually many different potential futures for all of us that are solely based on our choices, and especially our decisions where our relationships are concerned, as we grow the most through what we experience in our relationships with one another.

There are, however, some things that are meant to happen, and we plan these circumstances, along with our guides, and others who we have chosen as connections to help each other grow in our lifetimes. In most cases, it is still up to us ultimately what we do with these planned situations, events, or circumstances, and how we choose to use them in order to grow and help others grow.

When psychics are reading for you, they are reading the path you are currently on, as well as what may be predestined. Sometimes psychics may also see you at what they may call a crossroad, and may be able to see different outcomes that exist based on which decision you make, or which path you decide to take.

Does “Destiny” Then Exist?

There are indeed certain circumstances, and especially certain meetings with others, that ARE predestined, such as the circumstances you are born with, or encounter as a result of your environment during your formative years. These circumstances and situations exist for your growth. They have either been dictated by things that need balance from previous lifetimes, or careful planning with your higher self before being born to give you the circumstances needed for certain growth.

Other instances have to do with the other souls we are with, or our soul groups, as well as other soul connections we are meant to meet along our life journey which we have either accumulated past karma with that, needs to be balanced, or agreed to help each other with some type of soul growth in this incarnation.

We are drawn to our soul connections in life when our paths cross, even if initially, we do not seem to even like each other. That feeling or “pull” from our souls will be felt by both from the time of our meeting. It may seem to us that our paths were crossed by accident, through a choice of a new job, or other activity, but is the “pull” beyond here and now that brings us together, and in these cases, we will be “drawn” to certain things that will cause our paths to cross.

Oftentimes, these connections in our lives will bring turbulent times. I mean, let’s face it, the times when we have often grown the most have also been the times when we have experienced the most emotional pain through those special soul relationships. Other times, though, these connections may have a happier purpose together, such as bringing another soul into the world together or creating a massive project together in order to help others. Regardless, these special soul connections are planned.

Our “destiny” or our “outcomes” ultimately are created through our choices, and the free will we have been given to make those choices. Regardless of the choices we make, we grow through those choices, so in effect, there really are no wrong choices, just different degrees of learning.

Psychic Phone Reading

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