3 Powerful Things You Will Learn in My Beginning Medium Development Course

Beginning Medium Development Course


I have released the first of a new series of development courses, Beginning Medium Development

The Beginning Medium Development Course is a written course filled with information to better understand the ability, and the beginning steps for developing your natural medium ability.

It is a beginner’s level. It is hosted through the wonderful people at CourseCraft.

I am available to answer questions throughout your learning.

There are no quizzes, only information to help you get started. 

have helped many people further develop their natural abilities through my 8 Week Psychic/Medium Development Program over the years. The course contains the information I have shared one on one with each and every student during the first session of the program.


3 Important Things You Will Learn in This Beginning Course


You will learn how to identify which psychic abilities accompany your medium ability.

You will learn which experiences point to which abilities.

You will learn a couple of key activities that will strengthen your natural medium ability.


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