There is a Special Message and Meaning of 808
There is indeed a special feeling associated with seeing the number 808 when you are feeling very much balanced and in alignment. The meaning of 808 brings us to a full understanding of manifesting through balanced energy.
Have you been seeing angel numbers such as 111, 1111, 222, 333, 444, and 555 for quite some time, now that you have come to accept these numbers are special numbers that carry very special messages, you are seeing other more precise or advanced number messages such as 202, 303, or even 808?
Have you been seeing 808 every morning and every evening, and seemingly everywhere for days on end? Is it happening so often that it has left you wondering what exactly the meaning of 808 is? It does indeed have some very special meanings and there is a very special reason you are seeing it! The angels have gotten your attention, and now they have even more specific messages they are sending you!
The Numerology and Meaning of 808
The number 8 has to do with manifesting abundance, monetary matters, giving, and receiving. business personal authority, and good judgment, 8 is also the number of karma, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Numer 808 having two 8s, amplifies its meaning.
The number 0 has everything to do with choice and potential, as well as developing spiritually and working in tandem with your intuition, and higher self. It is the number of oneness and infinity. It is considered the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to Source Energy and magnifies any numbers it is with.
Another way to look at the number 808 is to reduce it to its smallest number which is 7. (8+0+8= 16 and 1+6=7)
The number 7 resonates with psychic ability, mysticism, spirituality, intuition, inner knowing, manifesting, inner strength, collective consciousness, writing, philosophy, seeking knowledge, spirituality, spiritual awareness, healing abilities, and inner strength.
The number 7 is a message from your angels to trust your intuition. The number 7 is a highly spiritual vibration that strengthens and heightens psychic ability.
Angel number 808 has the vibrations of abundance and harmony with the Divine.

Seeing the number 808 is a POWERFUL message!
The meaning of 808 has a lot to do with abundance from being in alignment energetically. When you are seeing this number over and over, get ready for abundance. It is time to create the life you want by doing what you have always wanted to do. This is the time when you can achieve all those personal and professional goals you have been striving for!
The number 808 is all about aligning your intentions with your higher purpose and achieving what you came to achieve.
This number serves to remind you that you need to continue to take care of your finances and lay a solid foundation. Seeing 808 over and over is a definite sign that abundance is coming, but you must continue to be responsible with your finances in order to reap what you have sown. It is a message that your finances are stabilizing.
It is also a message to balance mind, body, and spirit in order to achieve your higher purpose. It is asking you to care for your mental, emotional, and physical health, and align yourself to both manifest and receive.
It is important to keep your thoughts positive so that you are able to manifest positive results. When you are in harmony in mind, body, and spirit, you are aligned with source and able to manifest whatever you wish to achieve. Number 808 is a reminder to think of yourself in a higher light, align yourself with your higher self, and listen to and follow your intuition in regard to your next steps.
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